Remember Baghdad
Sa’ad Palace Conference Centre, Erbil 11th March 2019
Remember Baghdad is a screening about, coexistence, diversity, social cohesion and peace in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. It was a historical event creating a platform for free expression–introducing multicultural Iraq in mid the twentieth century.
Distinguish guests included, the Head of Kurdistan Parliament representative, Kurdish members of Parliament, Local higher officials, the KRG, council of ministers advisors, Diplomats, British Consulate, the U.S.A Public Affairs Officer and many others from the international community in the Kurdistan region, United Nations staff, local and International NGOs, Civil Society Groups, Religious Representations, Artists, Filmmakers, writers, Journalists, activists etc.
The screening took place in Erbil in the presence of representatives of the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG), the Diplomatic Corps, the ethno-religious components and civil society, Head of Kurdistan Parliament representative, Kurdish members of Parliament, Local higher officials, Diplomatic, British Consulate in Erbil, U.S.A culture affairs in Erbil, International community in the Kurdistan region, United Nations staff, local and International NGOs, Civil Society groups, religious representations in Kurdistan and Iraq, artists, filmmakers, writers, journalists, activists, with Kurdish TV channel K24 reporting the event.
Photos: Ibrahim R. Karitani