ArtRole Chief Executive A. R. Garmiany has been appointed CCP (Cross Culture Programme) Country Representative in Iraq, 2020 to 2023.
IFA (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, institute for international and cultural relations) is committed to a peaceful and enriching coexistence of people and cultures worldwide. It is promoting art and cultural exchange in exhibitions, dialogue and conference programs. IFA, as a partner of the Federal Foreign Office, is advocating intercultural exchange and the strengthening of networks between people from Germany and other cultural contexts. CCP started in 2005 and can now look back to almost fifteen years full of experiences and encounters.
The participants come from muslim-majority countries, from countries of the Eastern Partnership and Russia as well as from Latin America and the Caribbean as of the programme year 2020. This includes, for instance, countries from the MENA region, the Caucasus, the Arabian Peninsula and Central and South Asia. CCP fellowships can be absolved in the field of Politics and Society, Human Rights and Peace Building, Sustainable Development and Media and Culture for a duration of two or three months. Starting from 2019, the CCP Programmes follows two thematic focus topics: civic and citizenship education and digital civil society.
For more information on the programme and a complete list of all participating countries in 2020, please visit our website (